Making Films
What services do we provide?
Don't worry if you've never made a video before, we can help you with concept, scripting, filming, editing and colour grading. We work in partnership with you throughout the process - your vision is ours.
What kind of videos we make?
We create narrative and performance based films with high productions values. We have incredible gear and the skills and imagination to use it. We particularly love the light and locations in Suffolk and are always looking for reasons to film outside!
How long does it take?
Once you are happy with the script, filming usually takes one to three days. Editing and grading takes between seven and 10 days.
How much does it cost?
Depends on what your vision is. We will always try to find a way to make it work to your budget. We particularly want to support other creative people in Suffolk.
What kind of equipment do you use?
We shoot on a Blackmagic 6K Pro Cinema Camera with Zeiss cinema lenses and use Movi Cine series gimbal for handheld filming. We edit and grade in Resolve. Click here to see a full gear list.
What next?
Get in touch and lets talk about the vision you have for your project.